Nothern English Springer Spaniel Rescue (NESSR) is run by a group of unpaid volunteers from all walks of life who share a love of dogs – spaniels in particular but not exclusively.
Based in the North of England and Scotland each member, in their own way, helps spaniels up and down the country. Amongst the many ways to help are home checking, transport runs, manning a stall at a local event, fostering, assessing, supporting families through those all important first few days with their new family member, sending a bag of dog food, a treat, a toy or a lead or, of course, the all important donation of funds to help NESSR continue its work!
"The Dog Lady"
In the beginning It all started about 35 years ago when Cynthia, who always had a love of animals, used to manage Sanderson’s Wines in Morpeth. Soon after losing her own springer spaniel she spotted an advert in the classifieds for pure-bred puppies and assumed the dogs would be happy, healthy examples of the breed - as anyone who is on the look out for a pet would. On arriving to see the puppies, Cynthia was horrified to find the whole litter and mum were in a horrible condition. The man asked her to take the mum as well as a “favour”, which she did. Mum was sadly full of fleas and worms and only knew the comfort of a loving home for nine short months before passing to The Bridge.
This incident led to Cynthia’s initial reputation as “The Dog Lady” and once people knew she had dogs they began to leave all manner of animals with her for her special care! Gradually, Cynthia swapped her 9 to 5 manager’s job for her vocation as carer to the animals that found their way to her door until eventually she gave up her job altogether and dedicated herself to the animals full time.
… And so Northern English Springer Spaniel Rescue was born!
Sadly Cynthia died in June 2023 after a short illness. She is a massive loss to the dog world and everyone who knew her, both human and canine. There were surely many dogs waiting for her at rainbow bridge.
Today NESSR continues to run, albeit it on a much smaller scale, with its family of volunteers always ready to help: And it’s just as well, as, sadly, the number of dogs in need is increasing year on year. As well as the many dogs that come in and go out for re-homing,
How NESSR is Funded
NESSR has always been a charitable organisation that funds all its work for the rescues through donations, fundraising and the generosity of its volunteers and supporters, or people who have been lucky enough to find their perfect companion through NESSR’s work.
NESSR relies on fundraising to keep the rescue going, be it through events we attend, online auctions on our Facebook page or through donations from the public. If you would like to donate to us you can send via paypal, Just Giving or through a regular monthly direct debit.