Donate to NESSR
Northern English Springer Spaniel Rescue has a long history of helping rescue, rehabilitate and rehome unwanted, neglected and abused dogs. We rely entirely on donations and fundraising to carry on our work across the UK.
It costs on average £300 to £400 to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome the dogs in our care. Although we do receive donations from people who adopt our dogs, this never covers the full cost of helping the dogs.
Every year we also have a number of long term residents who cannot be rehomed for one reason or another so they stay under the care of NESSR with one of our foster carers. These special dogs may have behavioural issues or complex health needs which mean that finding an adoptive home is not possible.
Coco was 11 months old when she came to NESSR, she had horrific injuries on her rear paws and legs caused by infected wounds which she had then chewed. Her condition was cause by poor breeding which meant every time she went for a walk she damaged her paws. Her owners were inexperienced and could no longer afford the vet bills.
NESSR offered to help and it took operations and a year of costly vet treatment, plus a kind donation of special dog boots by Ruff Wear, to finally get her condition under control.
Unfortunately Coco died earlier this year. She had Immune-Mediated Thrombocytopenia. Aggressive treatment was about to be started when she collapsed with a suspected spinal and brain bleed and she had to be put to sleep.
If you would like to make a one off or regular donation via JustGiving please click on the button below. By using the link below, NESSR receives 100% of your donation.
Alternatively, you can also donate via Paypal.
Thank you for your support